Thursday, January 24, 2013

EOCW2: Offensive Ad 3/3

This almost fetish promotion of Dolce and Cabbana adheres to a provocative believe that this ad is selling pescimuity more than a hig-end Designer. This sensual pin-up is consumibly distractive from the physical text that the viewer would have a subtle realization that this is a fashion ad. The fetish pin-up gives this ad more of a Chippendales impression, then reviewing the brand carefully the reader would condensend that this is a Designer brand, not a gentlemen's club ad. Overall the visual perception of this image gives a misleading promotion of sex, rather than of fashion.

EOCW2: Offensive Ad 2/3

This particular Burger King ad would actually trigger a mental recaption of a Quiznos television ad, which also contained mild explicit content. The strong mental coorelation between both ads puts the exposed viewer in an ackward placement. The visual impact that this image would narrate in the viewers head is, broadly "a woman about to give a man head." If there was an added visual element of a hand on the sandwich the prior reaction would become "a man about to ejaculate in a womans mouth." With the encompassing sex theme parents would naturally divert their children's eyes from being prexposed to something they are not mature enough to conceive.

EOCW2: Offensive Ad 1/3

Taking a true, yet crude, actualization, the message is being bent into a humorous sarcastic remark. The thought of living a "healthy" lifestyle by permenantly discarding meat and diary, a person would think that it would be a better lifestyle. However, in a scientific view, farm animals contain a certain fume when they pass air that depletes the ozone layer--so in eating plants, which produce oxygen, vegetarians are actually harming the ecosystem by choosing the eat the solution instead of the problem. So, from a biologists perspective, this ad is a passive counteractive message that for harming the ecosystem you'll receive criticism like this.

EOCW1: VW Lemon

This is by default the most famous, and impacting, ad that began the revolution of the advertisment industry. In prior times of this ad there were very few specialist who delt with certain tasks in creating an advertisement. All the head exceutives would meet in a conference room and come up with ideas to conjure an ad. That was the process, until the German engineers brought specialits of different professions together in the same room and created this stur that no one had imagined before. Not only is the formating reconstructed but the message itself that the ad registers to the audience created an uproar, not only with field executives, but also the common people as to the lack of understanding why Volkswagen would put insult to injury to their own product. Nevertheless the everlasting result was the recreation of the advertisement industry.